Symphony Environmental Technologies PLC has today (5th November 2018) warmly welcomed
a report by the distinguished lawyer and former deputy Judge of the High Court in England,
Peter Susman QC, which has declared the scientific case for oxo-biodegradable
technologies to be “clear and compelling”.
Symphony Environmental Technologies Plc is the UK’s leading producer of oxo-biodegradable
plastic products, which are now mandatory in twelve countries.
Oxo-biodegradable technology is intended to deal with plastic which escapes into the open
environment, and especially the oceans, from which it cannot realistically be collected, and
where it would otherwise persist for decades as a serious problem for future generations.
Mr Susman examined the processes of abiotic and biotic degradation of plastics, and then
looked specifically at degradation in air and degradation in seawater.
He concluded, in a 14-page written Opinion, that oxo-biodegradable technology:
• does facilitate the ultimate biodegradation of plastics in air or seawater by bacteria, fungi
or algae, within a reasonable time, so as to cause the plastic to cease to exist as such,
far sooner than ordinary plastics, without causing any toxicity;
• that “the benefit is obvious of reducing future contributions to the scourge of plastic pollution
of land and sea”;
• that oxo-biodegradable technology is compatible with composting and recycling; and
• “the criticism alleging that oxo-biodegradable plastic technology would materially encourage
littering [can only be regarded] as fanciful and unrealistic.”
Commenting on his report, Peter Susman QC said:
“I have been asked imagine that I have been appointed as the sole member of an independent
tribunal with jurisdiction to review, on a balance of probabilities, and in the light of the available
scientific evidence, the effectiveness and utility of Oxo-biodegradable plastic technology in
facilitating the speedier final degradation of certain plastics.
“It is no longer tenable to conclude that there is ‘no firm evidence either way’ whether oxo
-biodegradable plastic technology is effective. I consider that recent research provides clear
and compelling evidence that oxo-biodegradable plastic is indeed effective in facilitating
very significantly speedier degradation than is the case when that technology is not used.”
Michael Laurier, Chief Executive of Symphony Environmental said:
“We are delighted that Peter Susman QC has found the scientific case for Symphony’s d2w
oxobiodegradable technology to be proven.
“This is a pivotal period for Symphony, with growing demand for our products across the world.
“In addition to Mr Susman’s reasoned Opinion, d2w oxo-biodegradable technology is validated
in terms of degradability, biodegradability, and ecotoxicity by reference to existing European
and US Standards, and also conforms with the EU Packaging Waste Directive. It is the only
oxo-biodegradable product to have been awarded an ABNT Eco-label”